Our Buy Box

The real estate markets in which we invest range across the United States. Our focus is currently on the following locations:
- Knoxville and Chattanooga, Tennessee
- Houston and Austin areas, Texas
- Tampa and Bradenton areas, Florida
- Santa Fe, New Mexico
- Carson City, Nevada
- Southern Utah
The types of investments we make include:
- Single Family homes with an ARV (After Repair Value) of $300K to $350K. (Some markets may allow more)
- Low-equity homes – sellers may have recently purchased and need to move
- Duplexes, Triplexes and 4-Plexes with T12 and detailed accounting records with a CAP rate within local standards and less than $1million
- Homes with little to no repair and in good condition. In some cases, we may look at homes requiring some minor improvements.
- On-Market and Off-Market – We always compensate those who bring us the investment.
We are actively interested in helping communities thrive while also helping community members achieve better living conditions. For example, homes for veterans and for foster youth who have aged out of the system are two such programs where we enjoy becoming partners. We also partner with other real estate investors who specifically rehab older neighborhoods while maintaining affordability. Check out our Social Impact page for more information.
Seller? Buyer? Need Money?
If you're a seller, buyer, or in need of money for your next project, we can help!